
One A Nation of By Elisabeth White Have you ever tried on a One Size Fits All (OSFA) piece of clothing and thought, “who, in their right mind, could think this could suit everyone?” Our bodies are different and it’s not a secret or a surprise when labels like these aren’t to everyone’s taste. We’re all looking to find that perfect fit that makes us look great and feel our very best. So why would you settle for a nutrition plan or diet that isn’t uniquely tailored to your needs? There’s an approach to health and wellness that wants to put people in a box; it’s a “one size fits all” attitude that aims to eliminate the so-called burden of choice; but you know that your body is a complex and unique vessel for all the good inside you. It’s home to a powerful, considerate brain that allows you to make the best decisions when it comes to looking after it. When determining your efforts for health and wellness, knowing what’s out there will help you get the most out of a diet or healthy eating plan and your body will thank you. It doesn’t have to be as arduous and mundane as an OSFA approach would have you believe. While designing your own diet or nutrition plan can seem confusing and overwhelming, make things easier by starting with a destination in mind. When choosing your health and wellness destination, consider the following: 1) Where are you going? Are you looking to lose weight? Strengthen your heart? Stave off dementia? If you can clearly define your goals, it will be easier to chart a course to get there. If you’re not exactly sure of what you are trying to achieve, start with research. Decide whether you are trying to lose weight or burn fat. They may sound like the same thing, but there are differences. Do you have high cholesterol or are you about to train for distance running? They both involve the heart, but there are different paths to success for either goal. If you can figure out your actual destination, choosing the best path for yourself becomes clearer. Nutrition Quarterly · 2021 – Volume 2 18 The Good Life