
Calling All Writers! We are searching for content on current nutrition topics by those who may be certified or carry a degree in the fields of Health and/or Wellness. We're paying $100 for eligible articles between 800–1000 words. Contact us at for details. to different ways to make their foods taste good. In fact, we made these foods taste so good, we couldn’t stop eating them! After all of the fad diets and processed foods, there is a strong movement to get back to basics. Nutritionists, scientists and doctors the world over are proving that diets comprised of natural, whole-foods can help you stay lean, fit, and are more likely to keep you healthy. Focusing on the macronutrients – proteins, carbs and fat – makes getting back to the basics easy. These are the primary components of everything that we eat. Understanding these building blocks is the start to discovering a daily diet that makes sense for our bodies and our modern lifestyles. Learn when to eat them (especially relative to exercise) and you’ll learn why timing is important… timing is everything. EAT WELL! Nutrition Quarterly · 2021 – Volume 3 13