
Another Lifestyle Change is to stop restricting food. Add food. Yup…ADD FOOD. By this I mean that you can eat anything you want if you just modify your timing, quantities and ratios of what you’re eating. If you eat frequent meals that are full of natural, whole-foods and have all three macronutrients (proteins, carbs & fats) in every meal, you won’t feel hungry. You won’t crave nutrients because you’ll be getting all that your body needs. If you try to envision your entire diet as one big picture, it’ll help. This isn’t one single decision, but an endless series of little decisions. Lifestyle = the style of your LIFE. Next Lifestyle Change is to move your body, often. It really is the small changes that matter here. It would be great if you got to the gym 3 times a week for a serious workout, but at very least take the stairs occasionally. Ride your bike to the movies sometimes. Do 15 minutes of gentle yoga away from your desk on some days. It is the same principle as with food…it’s an endless series of little decisions. A little extra movement will help your metabolic rate, thus making it easier to get and stay fit. Two additional Lifestyle Changes are more mental than physical. First, be realistic. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will the ideal body be. If you’ve gotten out of shape, it’s going to take a while to get back into shape. Have some patience and remember that these are LIFEstyle changes. Finally, be kind to yourself. You’re not a horrible person if you’ve gotten out of shape, you’ve just made some less-than-perfect choices. Now you’re making some better choices, so acknowledge that. Keeping positive is an illness that everyone should want to catch. Being kind to yourself means allowing yourself to have that slice of birthday cake and trusting that you’re going to still be okay and will care for yourself later that day, tomorrow and the next day. You can do this. You’ve got this. It is better to DRINK, not EAT, your post-workout meal.* post-workout-carbohydrates.html