
Though prioritizing health is often the goal, these days we likely consider our health and wellness with a greater urgency. How you exercise and the frequency, how often you grocery shop or where — many regular, daily habits that affect your wellness may have changed since the beginning of this year in the face of COVID-19. That being said, many of the tried and true ways of taking care of your body that we’ll be covering this issue, remain key to maximizing your health, and in turn supporting your immune system. Exercise regularly, eat well, recover post-workout, get enough sleep, hydrate, and wash your hands — all practical advice! Lucky for us, summer is a bountiful season to enjoy: farmers markets bursting with the best of seasonal whole foods; long, warm days for all kinds of outdoor activities such as hiking, swimming, and summer sports; the cool respite of evening to sleep off the hot day; not to mention — popsicles! (Have you tried your favorite shake frozen in popsicle molds? I recommend it!) Though times are tough right now, I encourage you to carve out a bit of time for these small joys. Not only will they support your physical health, they can positively impact your mental and emotional wellbeing as well (all of which affect your immune system!) Eat Well! Dan Young Dan Young is the founder and president of Simple Again, representing Performance Food Centers and the swiig brand of nutritional products. Certified in personal training and sports nutrition, Dan is a lifelong athlete, having competed in body building and endurance events. Dan completed his first of many Ironman competitions in 2018. “But tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun.” — The Beatles Letter from the Founder 2 Nutrition Quarterly · 2020 – Volume 3