
Make it Right with Yours It's time to make peace. Whatever the life story is that got you to where you are today, chances are you owe some apologies to yourself. I’m not joking. This may seem strange to you but give it a shot. It should go a little something like this: “Legs, I’m sorry, like, really sorry. I know you continue to take a beating from me being forced into pants a few sizes too small, being called ‘sausage links’ on the regular, and expected to function like a pro-athlete with only cookies for fuel. I am truly sorry and will start treating you with the respect you deserve.” Or maybe: “Skin, I’ve told you I hate you on a regular basis because of the embarrassment you cause me with all of the acne and poor complexion. I’m sorry. It's my fault. I’ve mistreated you. I’ve dined on fried foods and alcohol and I expect you to glow. I blame you, but you are not to blame. I’m sorry.” And so on. This is just to make peace, not to get down on yourself for your choices. Consider it a fresh start to loving the only body you were given. Thera- please Sometimes our bad habits are deeply rooted. For many of us, it is not as easy as switching to a plant-based diet and hitting the gym. It is not a superficial problem. Ever wonder why many consider weight loss a battle? I’m a true believer that living a healthy lifestyle comes naturally when our lives are centered and it is not something that should be forced. If it feels like a battle then something isn’t right. That is where therapy may come into play. In order to stop the snowball effect of our unhealthy habits from forming into chronic disease, that all-too-appealing quick fix might not be the answer. Diving deep with a therapist might help to unravel some of the triggers that are causing you to make unhealthy choices. The healthy changes will come more naturally in time and you will actually want to treat your body with the respect it deserves. It might take a little longer to achieve your goals, but there is much lower chance that they will unravel once achieved. Continued on next page. Nutrition Quarterly · 2021 – Volume 1 19 The Good Life