
Life’s Gift – Cell Regeneration The good news is, our cells are constantly regenerating, so much of the damage that has been done over the years can be reversed if caught in time. By feeding your cells the proper nutrients, exercising regularly and cutting back on the abusive tendencies, we give ourselves a chance at a fresh start. Dr. Jonas Frisen, a molecular biologist based in Sweden, found that the human body’s cells largely regenerate every 7–10 years. Talk about a forgiving system! By making changes to your lifestyle today, your future in 7 years could look a whole lot different! These sorts of changes do not usually come as an “Ah-ha” moment, but rather a series of “Oh (insert swear word here), what have I done?!” followed by irrational-rationalization, more bad habits and then a ‘surprising’ doctor visit. Regardless of your age or situation, many of you will eventually find ourselves at a turning point. You can either continue on the path that you have created and accept the outcome or choose to make a change and prioritize your health. We were given just one body, and though we did not choose that body, we can choose how to maintain it. Commit to yourself. Lindsay Kehl is a Regional Sales Manager, Mom & Seeker of Truth Eat your largest meal of the day 2-3 hours before you workout. The Good Life