
Q A Hi Nute Guru! I hear a lot about how people who work out a lot also tend to get sick more easily – what can I do to ensure my immune system is in tip-top shape? A well-balanced diet that is rich in nutrients can help boost your immune system. There tons of ways you can ensure a nutrient-rich diet, but the following list is a great place to start! Including these food groups in your daily diet will help keep your body’s defenses primed to fight off incoming viruses. Carbohydrates Athletes who don’t consume sufficient carbohydrates may decrease their ability to fight off infections following intense or prolonged exercise. According to some studies, ingesting carbohydrates during and immediately after exercise can help prevent sickness by reducing cortisol levels and maintaining lymphocyte production. This is another good reason to consume a naturally nutrient-dense Recovery Shake within 30 minutes of your workout, which we'll talk more about later. Fruits & Vegetables Fruits and vegetables contain natural compounds like phytochemicals, antioxidants, and vitamins, which enhance your immune system. Here are some examples: 1. Brightly colored fruits and vegetables are especially good sources of protective substances. For example, foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach and other dark greens contain beta-carotene, which can increase the number of infection-fighting cells, white blood cells (sometimes called “natural killer cells”), and helper T-cells. Your body converts beta-carotene to vitamin A, which also helps your immune system by enhancing white blood cell function. Tomato products are especially rich in lycopene, a carotenoid that enhances the production of white blood cells to help destroy many types of viruses. 2. Garlic and onions – Recent research adds credibility to the folklore claiming that onion juice or garlic cloves ward off colds and flu. The sulfur-containing substances in these flavorful foods play an important role in stimulating the immune system by boosting the killing ability of natural killer cells. Protein Your immune system produces antibodies when viruses invade the body. Antibodies, which are proteins made up of certain amino acids, bind to the invading substances to try to destroy them. A healthy diet should contain high quality protein with the 8 essential amino acids. WHEY PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS There are many whey products on the market today. However, many are inferior forms of whey concentrate and are less bio- available; these inferior supplements are usually formulated with artificial and synthetic ingredients. Buyers beware! 1. swiig Daily Whey Matrix – Formulated with only minimally cold-processed whole food ingredients and no artificial or synthetic ingredients, Daily Whey Matrix from swiig is one of the most bio-available proteins on the market today. 2. Yogurt, Kefir – Preliminary research suggests that eating a cup of low-fat yogurt or other fermented and cultured products daily can reduce your susceptibility to colds. The beneficial bacteria (called probiotics) in some yogurts is thought to boost the immune system. Nute Guru “According to some studies, ingesting carbohydrates during and immediately after exercise can help prevent sickness..." 3 Nutrition Quarterly · 2021 – Volume 2